Non-Positional Sensors provides various non-positional sensors (Ideal RADAR, Roads Info, Powertrain, and Mesh).

Non-Positional Sensor Buttons Non-Positional Sensor Buttons

These sensors are not true sensors in the mechanical sense - they are not boxes attached to some position which mimics a real piece of hardware (such as eg IMU, LiDAR, Camera, etc). They can be thought of more as ways to package information from the simulation (either related to the vehicle or from the environment) and provide it conveniently to the user.

Since these sensors do not require to be attached anywhere, there are no positional parameters. Also, there can only be one instance of each sensor in any sensor configuration - having multiple of these types has no benefit, since the data will be the same.

The only editable parameters for these sensors are related to the rate by which the data is polled and collected:

Update Properties:

The Sensor Update Time sets how often the sensor will be polled by BeamNG to fetch the latest reading. Small values will provide data more regularly, but will be more computationally expensive (this becomes noticeable when many sensors are used). The user should take this into consideration when creating ADAS sensor configurations, and use the largest possible value which will give them a reasonable rate for readings.

Data Collect Time is used by some sensors as a rate by which to actually send all the readings which have been taken and to make them available. Used in conjunction with the Sensor Update Time, these properties describe the size of the data packet which will be available to the user when they collect the data. For example, if the update time is set to 0.1 second and the collect time is set to 1 second, a bulk package of 10 readings will arrive to user every second. The user should be aware of the dependence of these two rates.

Last modified: May 17, 2024

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