Predefined Mission Types

The easiest way to create a mission is to use the predefined mission types. This includes all the available mission types in the mission type selector with the exception of flowgraph .

Creating one of those missions is as simple as selecting one of the mission types, and filling in the required properties.

Once you are done, simply save the mission, close the world editor with F11, and use Ctrl+L to reload Lua, and your mission should now appear on the map for you to try it.

Gameplay Principle
AI Race
Gameplay Principle
Drive a predefined route and race AI controlled vehicles to the end.
This mission type allows you race computer controlled vehicles to the end of route or over a set amount of laps on a circuit.
Gameplay Principle
Drive a to a destination.
This mission type allows you set a location for the player to drive to. You have many options for how your mission plays out, including adding an AI vehicle to evade, adding a continue point and much more.
Gameplay Principle
Locate and chase the target vehicle. Try to bring them to a stop and hold them there for a set time to win the mission.

In this mission type you can place the player in a situation where they have to chase an AI driven vehicle that takes random routes as you follow it.

The goal to stop them as soon as you can and block them from getting away again. Once a timer has reached a set amount, the player will win the mission.

Gameplay Principle
Drive a to a destination with a trailer and/or a designated load.

This mission type allows you set a location for the player to deliver a preset load or trailer to.

The delivered items can be jbeamed props on a trailer that have a chance of falling off if the player drives recklessly. You can set a minimum amount of the objects to deliver in order to be successful.

Drag Race
Gameplay Principle
The player will be racing on a short dragstrip against themselves or another vehicle.
Gameplay Principle
Follow a route or use a designated space to perform drifting manuvures and score as many points as possible before the route ends or timer runs out.

This mission type has two versions:

  • A to B

  • Gymkhana.

A to B is a route that you follow to the end to complete.

Gymkhana uses a space that you are confined to and trigger zones to maximize your points, such as donuts and drift through zones.

Gameplay Principle
Drive as well as you can to get away from one or more AI driven vehicles.

In this mission type you can put the player into a police pursuit situation.

Whether it be against one AI vehicle or many and be it normal vehicles and/or police forces. You can set a location for the player to make it to. Also simply time how long they can last or how long it takes them to lose the group that are chasing them.

An on screen UI displays the status of the evasion by showing whether you are currently seen by the AI vehicles and a cooldown timer for losing their interest. Once you have lost the AI vehicles the player wins.

Garage to Garage
Gameplay Principle
Deliver various vehicles to randomly picked preset locations.

This mission type puts the player in a randomly picked vehicle from a preset pool (vehicle group) and given a location to deliver it too.

You can place as many delivery locations as you like on the map to increase the amount of different routes the player could have to take to complete the delivery.

Long Jump
Gameplay Principle
Use a jump to attempt to send your vehicle as far from the take off point as possible.
In this mission type the player will need to use a ramp of some kind to jump as far as possible from the take off point.
Precision Parking
Gameplay Principle
Attempt to park your vehicle in the designated spaces as quickly and accurately as possible.

This mission type tasks the player with parking vehicleefully in predefined spaces under a time limit.

You can use a prefab to add obstacles to make this task as hard or easy as you like. The more accurately the player stops in the space, the more points the player will be awarded.

Time Trial
Gameplay Principle

Drive your vehicle along a predefined route that is set out for you using checkpoints that appear as two colored posts forming a gateway.

Proceed through all of the checkpoints to reach the end where your time will be saved and entered on the high score board for that mission.


This mission type is great for making your own race tracks, rally stages, hill climbs, autocross courses and just about any other route based timed driving sport event.

Whether it be short or epically long, it allows you to not only use the provided road network on the level that it’s based on, but also make your route go absolutely anywhere that you think the player can drive.

Be it straight across the middle of a field or even up a mountain face, you have the freedom to set your route anywhere, including in the sky, should you be using a flying vehicle.

Last modified: June 20, 2024

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