
Components are generic key-value stores that extend/overwrite Jbeam code. They use the Json dictionary syntax. They are an experimental feature in BeamNG update 0.32.

"components": {
    "wheels": {
        "FL": {
            "diameter": 0.56,
            "something": 3,
    "cameras": {
            "offset":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":0.59},

Components are used in Jbeam via a $>> operator. It points to a data store that will be used for the value.



A part can extend or overwrite component data:

/// the main part
    "components": {
        "wheels": {
            "FL": {
                "diameter": 0.56,
                "something": 3,

/// the sub part
    "components": {
        "wheels": {
            "RR": {
                "diameter": 0.1,
                "something": 1,
            "FL": {
                "diameter": 2, // overwrites
                "somethingElse": 3,

Components work not only for table data, but also for modifiers:

"components": {
    "collisionEnabled": true,
"nodes" :[
   ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
   {"collision" :"$>>components.collisionEnabled"},

They can be used as table rows:

"components": {
    ["node3", -0.90, -0.93, 0.23],
"nodes" :[
   ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
   ["node1", -0.90, -0.93, 0.23],
   ["node2", -0.33, -0.95, 0.23],
   ["node4", 0.90, -0.93, 0.23],

They can also be used inside of another component which is a table row:

"components": {
    "posZ": 0.23,
    ["node3", -0.90, -0.93, "$>>components.posZ"],
"nodes" :[
   ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
   ["node1", -0.90, -0.93, 0.23],
   ["node2", -0.33, -0.95, 0.23],
   ["node4", 0.90, -0.93, 0.23],

Components work in functions and expressions too. The syntax for their usage there is $components.componentName:

"components": {
    "posZ": 0.03,
"nodes" :[
   ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
   ["node1", -0.90, -0.93, 0.23],
   ["node2", -0.33, -0.95, 0.23],
   ["node3", -0.90, -0.93, "$= $components.posZ + 0.20"],
   ["node4", 0.90, -0.93, 0.23],

You can also access nested components with $components.parentComponent.childComponent:

"components": {
        "Z": 0.03,
"nodes" :[
   ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
   ["node1", -0.90, -0.93, 0.23],
   ["node2", -0.33, -0.95, 0.23],
   ["node3", "$= $components.pos.X * 2", "$= $components.pos.Y", "$= $components.pos.Z + 0.20"],
   ["node4", 0.90, -0.93, 0.23],

You can use vec3, quat and concat operations on nested components, for example:

"$=concat($components.wheels.F, ',')"


A component could be used to define pressureWheel options, to keep wheels Jbeam clean:

"components": {
    "wheelConfig_FR": {
        "TEST": 123,
    ["FR", "wheel_FR", "tire_FR", "fw1rr", "fw1r", 9999, "fh5r", 1, "$>>components.wheelConfig_FR"],
Last modified: 23/5/2024 11:10
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