Thruster generate a force that will push your vehicle forward. They’re defined by a pair of nodes. The force is applied on the second node (Node2 on the image), and is pointing in the direction towards the first node (Node1). Node1 and Node2 are set in Jbeam as “id1:” and “id2:” respectively.
They are used to represent jet engines and JATOs, and can also be used for testing purposes.
Thrust is calculated by multiplying the value of the “control” by the factor, up to a maximum limit equal to the thrustLimit. For electrics whose value varies between 0 and 1, the factor will usually be the same as the thrust limit.
To activate a thruster from console, you can set the value that controls its factor to 1. For example if the control value is ‘jato’, the command will look like this:
electrics.values.jato = 1
See the electrics page for more information.
If set to “auto”, control will be based on current velocity.
"thrusters": [
["id1:", "id2:", "factor", "thrustLimit", "control"],
["jt5l", "jt6l", 50000, 50000, "jato"],
["jt5r", "jt6r", 50000, 50000, "jato"],