Controllers are sub-modules that are used to control various functions of a vehicle using lua.
They are divided into 2 categories. Main controllers, which handles the primary inputs and functions of your vehicle, and auxiliary controllers, which allow to add various special features to your vehicle, including things like electronic driving assists, additional powertrain control functions, different dashboard systems, etc.
Controllers are defined within the controller section of jbeam, where each controller is called and their settings defined.
In some cases, with controllers that have a lot of parameters, the use of a list outside of the controller section is often preferred. Examples are included in the controllers where they would most often be used.
These controllers handle the primary inputs and functions of any vehicle. Every single vehicle needs to refer to at least one of these, usually the vehicle controller
Audio Visual Systems handle sound and light effects.
Drive Safety & Electronics, or DSE for short, includes all the controllers related to driving assists.
This set of controllers handles displays and indicators used inside vehicles like various electronic dashboards, and indicator lights.
Physical controls includes all controllers which control physical jbeam, usually in the form of hydros.
Powertrain controls includes controllers which handle additional powertrain function.